Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.


The tide of capital increase welcomes a good start

Publisher:Salubris Views:

Atthe beginning of 2018, Salubris welcomed a good start, and a new chapter wasstarted in the strategic layout planning in the field of cardiovasculardiseases. Recently, Salubris has successively increased its capital andinvested in Sichuan Jinjiang Electronic Science and Technology Co., Ltd.("Jinjiang Electronic") and KingstronBio (Changshu) Co., Ltd.("KingstronBio"). The two capital increases will be mainly used forthe main business of the target company, such as workshop expansion, R&Dinvestment and clinical trials.

Jinjiang Electronic is a leading enterprise in the field of cardiac electrophysiologyin China, with reasonable product layout, abundant pipelines and superiorperformance. Through the shareholding, Salubris quickly entered the field ofcardiac electrophysiological devices and further improved the layout ofcardiovascular and cerebrovascular devices of the company; and formed synergywith the left atrial appendage occluder, Rivaroxaban and other projects underresearch to build a complete ECG platform.

KingstronBio is mainly engaged in the development of cardiac surgeryproducts and minimally invasive interventional valve products, with outstandingadvantages in core products. Through the capital increase, the company quicklyentered the field of structural heart disease devices, and the layout ofcardiovascular medical devices was further improved. Heart valve instrumentsand Rivaroxaban and other drugs under research by the company can make full useof the promotion advantages of the company and realize the synergistic effectof medicines and instruments.

"The surging tide in the wide sea facilitates sailing." Thelayout in the field of electrophysiology and structural heart disease is animportant link for Salubris to increase its main business and improve its industrialchain in cardiovascular field. Under the escort of capital, it is helpful toenhance the R&D strength and anti-risk ability of the target company.Salubris will further promote the implementation of the strategy, strengthenthe integration effect of industry chain, enhance market competitiveness andenhance its position as a comprehensive solution provider in the cardiovascularfield.
